8th Grade Parent Night

Dear Class of 2029 Parents/Guardians,

Although the start of the 2025-26 school year is months away, the middle school to high school transition will start very soon.

Please read this letter carefully. The initial phase of middle school to high school transition focuses on the academic structure, freshman course offerings and final course selections. The events below are designed to carry out this important process.

Eighth Grade Parent Night: Monday, February 10th, 6:00 pm, in the BHS Performing Arts Center (PAC). Please park in the north parking lot and enter through the main entrance or the activities entrance. This night offers parents/guardians information on freshman course offerings and course placements. BHS faculty from all department areas will be present to provide freshman curriculum information from their respective areas. The timeline to complete freshman course selections will be provided. This is for parents/guardians only.

Counselors travel to BMS: February 13th - Eighth graders will use a preliminary worksheet to build a freshman schedule with their high school counselor and BMS staff. They will bring this information home to share with parents/guardians. Please bring these materials with you to the Eighth Grade Course Selection Return Night.

Submitting final course requests: February 24th - 25th (4:00 pm – 6:30 pm). This final segment is called Eighth Grade Course Selection Return Night(s). Parents/Guardians and students will submit their final course request to their future BHS counselor. Your counselor will review the final course requests and will make any necessary corrections or recommendations. Meetings will take place in small groups in rooms next to the Bettendorf High School Student Services Office. Use the main entrance off of 18th St.

Parents must sign up for the scheduled return time online through Sign Up Genius beginning Tuesday, February 11th. The Sign Up Genius link will be sent via email. It will also be available through the BHS website, the BMS and BHS Facebook pages and through Twitter. Plan on a 20-25 minute meeting on your chosen course selection night. Eighth Grade Course Selection Night is mandatory for every 8th grade family before a schedule is entered. Tours will also be available.

Students with Individualized Education Plans should complete the return process, however as noted below each student with an IEP will have a transition meeting to assist in course selection on an individual basis. The courses selected will be discussed at the transition meeting.

Students with IEPs - BHS will be contacting you to schedule a transition meeting to discuss course selection and what your student’s transition from middle school to high school will look like.

Please stop by the BHS Main Office during 8th grade Parent/Guardian night on February 10th to touch base with our staff to ensure this meeting is scheduled for you. These meetings will take place in February, please be on the lookout for an email with additional information on the transition meeting process.

Please contact the BHS Student Services office with any questions at 563-332-7005. Counselors and student assignments are listed below.

Student’s Last Names
Mrs. Harksen (A - DA), Mr. Hoaglin (DE - HI), Mrs. Smith (HJ - MC), Mrs. Schalk (MD - SC), Mrs. Cole (SD - Z)


Kristy Cleppe, Principal